I soooo wanted to love this film, but I felt like the sum of its parts was far greater than the whole. Performances were killer no doubt, but I think this was more largely due to the phenomenal actors just being their brilliant selves, than any directorial genius. I was so impressed with Emma Stone, whose bulbous eyes normally irritate the s**t out of me. She was raw and messy and performed the hell out of her role. This is by far the best role Norton has ever played: he’s so unhinged and committed in his sociopathy. The script was brilliantly absurdist and on one level, I totally enjoyed the fluidity of the camera tracking and long takes and telekinetic prop flying and all that visual jazz. But at the same time it was kind of distancing, like “look at me! I’m fancy film trickery!!!”. I would have had such a boner for this 10 years ago, but now I’m a tired old lady who just wants to watch a film and feel stuff in a genuine way and not be distracted and pulled out of the moment by self-conscious film technique.